Apple, Cherry & Strawberry
Third Coast Fruit Co.
100% Family Grown Local Produce
Apple U-Pick: Sept 28, Oct 5, Oct 12 and Oct 19 from noon - 5:00pm
16888 Wunsch Road
Traverse City, MI 49686
Pre-Order your apples today:

The Wunsch Family has been growing cherries and apples on the Old Mission Peninsula for over a century, and now we are opening up a cherry, strawberry and fresh flower U-Pick, Third Coast Fruit Co. to share them with you!
We are excited to be reopening a U-pick operation on the historic site of Wilson Orchards, just a short drive or bike ride from downtown Traverse City. We will have cherry picking (dark sweets, tarts and rainiers), strawberry picking, pre picked dark sweet cherries for purchase and fresh flowers to pick!
Delicious fruit, stunning bay views, and tranquil, breezy orchards are the cherry on top of any Up North weekend.
Whether you are looking to go on a walk during a tour of the Old Mission Peninsula or buying cherries to take home, we will help you select the perfect fruit to meet your needs. Dark sweet, light sweet, and baking cherries are all abundantly available in our orchard!
555 Wilson Road Traverse City, MI 49686

Family Farm
Our seventh generation family farm offers a wide variety of cherries and expert guidance to help you find the freshest and most delicious cherries you have ever eaten!
Other seasonal local produce will be available from our stand.

We started our u-pick in 2019, with great success and reviews from our customers. We will continue to operate in 2020 with strict social distance and safety guidelines to protect our customers.
We also sell wholesale